Tuesday, January 31, 2017

A New Launch!

Part Five of The Courtesan is now up and on, over at Smashwords, and once
approved for their premiere catalogue, everyplace else. Of course it will take a day
or two longer to show up at Barnes&Noble, that’s nothing unusual, but it will be
there. Which reminds me, I should have my Kobo Adult link up by now, and I’m
addressing the fact Part Two of The Courtesan isn’t there, but parts One, Three,
and Four, are.

I’m working on Part Six now, and working on getting myself straightened out. I
got three pen names, twenty-one (21) published works, and never enough time in
any given day to get everything I want done. Go figure.

Writers are still trying to puzzle Amazon’s misuse of KindleUnlimited, while
others decided being exclusive is not in their best interest. They are going wide,
and like me, starting from scratch with a whole new fan base to build. Then there’s
the issue with possible sales, not showing up on their dashboards. I’m still backing
away . . . slowly.

I’m trying to finish going wide, but I want to do so in a way that maximizes my
potential to reach fans with what’s done, and what will be done. I’ll save that post
and the new links involved for another day. Having things done before I blog
about them is better, and it lights the proverbial fire under my ass to get them

Today I’ll G+ and Tweet Rip’s Picks, and Rip’s Books here, and see what

My ads are still up and running, and will continue for several weeks, and then I’ll
post the results. The idea, to be seen. People decide on their own if they want to
buy. One thing, as writers, we can’t twist their arms. Wish we could, but we can’t.

Support indie authors. Don’t hesitate to read a sample, and actually buy.
It’s the only way to find out how the story ends! :-D

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