Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Links up

Sometimes I'm too busy for words, but I did get the D2D, Pronoun, and Streetlib links
up. Now, if I can keep my many efforts from going tits up, that would be the icing on
the cake.

I can say that Kobo Adult managed to find part two of The Courtesan, so all five parts
of The Courtesan are there. I have a couple of me days I got to take before I can
finish part six, but it's okay. I'll have that done, and maybe part seven done before
the month is out. If not, the first week of March.

Part seven will end the story at 70,000 words. I don't want to even try and milk it
out past that. Things are happening too fast in their world. My characters, they
decide . . . everything. If they think the story should end, it ends. I also managed a
sample page up for part one. Check it out! Anyway, that's as big of update as I got.

See you next time.

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sample, and actually buy.
It’s the only way to find out how the story ends.

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